Triple-S Salud 1st health plan in P.R. with URAC approval
Triple-S Salud announced Wednesday it has obtained URAC accreditation, a designation that demonstrates the highest level of commitment to quality healthcare.
This is the first time that a local health plan has achieved it, the company said.
“As a company dedicated to offering our members the highest quality care, we are very proud to announce that Triple-S has completed all the rigorous requirements and earned the URAC accreditation,” said Madeline Hernández-Urquiza, president of Triple-S Salud.
“This achievement reaffirms our operational excellence, enhances our competitiveness, and more importantly, serves as a guarantee to our members of our commitment to better health outcomes,” she said.
Hernández-Urquiza explained that the strict accreditation process was an opportunity to revisit the company’s policies and procedures to ensure their compliance with national standards of quality, performance and accountability in the healthcare sector.
“As a result, we are now better prepared to serve our members from the very moment they join the plan, thus facilitating access to services and promoting quality of care,” she concluded.
“In earning the Heath Plan Accreditation from URAC, Triple-S Salud proves that it aligns with the key components of the Affordable Care Act as well as healthcare industry trends,” said URAC President Kylanne Green.
“It also shows that Triple-S possesses a willingness to track performance and strive for a continual improvement of services. The company has made a commitment to quality and will stand out in the marketplace,” she added.
URAC is an independent organization that promotes healthcare quality through accreditation, certification and measurement. Their portfolio of accreditation and certification programs spans the healthcare industry, including healthcare management, healthcare operations, health plans, pharmacies, telehealth providers, physician practices, and more.