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13 programs at InterAmerican University in Fajardo get accreditation

The InterAmerican University of Puerto Rico’s Fajardo campus announced that 13 academic programs received specialized academic accreditations from three agencies.

The undergraduate program in Business Administration in Tourism with a minor in Tourism Administration, was recertified, being the only Institution of higher education in Puerto Rico with this accredited program, college officials said.

UNWTO.TedQual is a program of the UNWTO Themis Foundation, whose main objective is to improve the quality of programs in education, training, and research in tourism.

“For this, evaluation criteria have been defined — universally applicable to any institution — that seek, among other things, to measure the efficiency of its academic system, as well as its degree of incorporation of the tourism industry and the needs of students for the programs,” said the Rector of the Fajardo Campus, Rafael R. Canales-Pastrana.

Meanwhile, the Council for Business School and Programs (ACBSP) accredited the Associate of Arts Degree programs in Office Systems Administration, Bachelor of Business Administration with minors in Tourism Administration, Accounting, Business and Management Development, Human Resources Management and Marketing; and the Bachelor of Arts in Office Systems Administration.

This accreditation includes a master’s degree in Business Administration with minors in General Program, Marketing and Human Resources.

ACBSP is a global accreditation body for business education and the first organization to offer accreditation at all levels of college business education programs, from associate to doctoral. It uses an accreditation process based on the Baldrige Education Criteria for Performance Excellence.

Another program that received specialized academic accreditation was the Bachelor of Arts in Social Work by The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), which is the national association representing Social Work education in the United States.

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This story was written by our staff based on a press release.

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