Boston Scientific to host free program to support entrepreneurs

For the fourth consecutive year, Boston Scientific Dorado and The Growth Coach are joining forces in a collaborative partnership to continue their commitment to local entrepreneurs, through the Strategic Business Owner Program.
The initiative is exclusively for business owners and will provide participants with the necessary structure and tools to develop their strengths and opportunities effectively.
SBO is a virtual program in which individuals will have the opportunity to interact with other business owners to learn how to identify alternatives together.
The virtual format of two biweekly hours allows improving the results by offering a “Strategic Mindset” technique and a certified business coach that will benefit participants by sharing experiences and best practices, the organizers said.
“It’s a first for us to contribute to the development not only of our employees, but also of the community. It’s our commitment to provide tools so that companies in Puerto Rico can grow,” said Aleck de Jesus, training & development specialist at Boston Scientific Dorado.
In addition, the practical SBO program will provide guidance and tools for improvement in all areas of the business. The deadline for applications to be submitted online is Sept. 3.
The program starts Sept. 8 and ends in June 2022. It consists of eight group sessions in which participants will learn and follow the “Strategic Mindset” process to evaluate aspects of life and business, while giving continuity to the goals established from the beginning.
The Strategic Business Program has 12 spaces available and is open to any local entrepreneur who meets the following requirements:
- Be a company duly registered in Puerto Rico;
- Have been in operations for two or more years;
- Have three or more employees (including part-time, contract and subcontracted employees);
- The participant must own the company;
- Must participate in all SBO Program meetings; and,
- Each participant must have access to a computer or electronic device with camera, microphone, and internet access.
“At The Growth Coach we look forward to helping more business owners drive success in their businesses and balance in their lives, so we’re giving them the opportunity to participate in the Strategic Business Owner program in its second edition. These strategic retreats will force participants to stop, think and plan — essential ingredients to achieve success,” said Gamaliel Malavé, owner of The Growth Coach PR.