EcoEléctrica receives nods for ‘green’ awareness

The Puerto Rico Manufacturers Association recently recognized natural gas co-generation plant, Eco-Eléctrica for its leadership in sustainability and commitment to the preservation of Puerto Rico’s natural resources.
The Environmental Excellence Award granted in the “Leadership in Sustainability” category (which considers a company’s supply chain, consumer, community and natural resources) recognizes EcoEléctrica’s initiatives regarding natural resource conservation and educational work at the level of customers, employees and the community.
“Sustainable development is possible if its foundations are established on partnerships between government, businesses and communities, and where private infrastructure projects are based on an economic, social and environmental integration,” said Jaime Sanabria, co-president of EcoEléctrica.
The PRMA based its selection on the company’s implementation of environmental conservation initiatives, positive social impact, the establishment of programs that go beyond what is established by regulations, and investments in public environmental education
EcoEléctrica’s Environmental Manager Damaris Negrón, said the commitment to protecting the environment and communities permeates all levels of the organization said that is the cornerstone of the company’s success since its establishment in 1996.