Some 100 entrepreneurs start migrating businesses online

Puerto Rico Trade Executive Director Ricardo Llerandi heads the workshop.
Looking to contribute to the digital transformation of small and medium businesses, Puerto Rico Trade and Export offered a training on “Run your online store” through the Startup Academy initiative, in which more than 100 local entrepreneurs participated.
“To meet the new requirements offered by the digital age, we must be able to adapt to this new reality of doing business,” Puerto Rico Trade Executive Director Ricardo Llerandi said.
“We can achieve this through a strategic and effective change from traditional business operations and transform them into digital commerce ventures,” Llerandi said. “This planned transition will help increase the value and competitiveness of our companies.”
This intensive workshop on e-commerce included topics such as: selling through social networks; online sales strategies; platforms and best practices; experiences of entrepreneurs who established their online business; and, the benefits of establishing this strategy in their operations. Participanting entrepreneurs had the opportunity to set up their online business during the training.
This initiative is being done in partnership with Colmena 66, whose main objective is to offer a space that combines training, technology, innovation and new trends in e-commerce to help develop business strategies that promote growth, jobs and wealth.