General Services Admin. unveils new registry platform for gov’t providers

The General Services Administration (ASG, in Spanish) announced the launch of its new digital platform, called “Registros,” designed to combine the registration of suppliers of goods and government service providers in the same registry.
The installation of “Registros”represents a saving of $55,000 in operational expenses for ASG and facilitates the work of the agency in charge of all government agency procurements and the registration of professional services.
Through the new electronic platform, the Unique Bidders Registry and the Unique Professional Service Providers Registry are unified and can be accessed through electronic devices, such as mobile phones and iPads.
“In the past a case took about 10 days, on average, to be handled. But with the help of the new platform, this waiting time should be reduced to a maximum of three days,” said ASG Administrator Karla Mercado-Rivera.
The agency also indicated that in a second phase, once the certifications are ready, all related documents can be accessed through the same platform, such as applications for certifications, services, contracting, and permits.
“Registros” also includes a Chatbot that allows the user to maintain communication with the agency, through messages, to guide them in the registration processes, change their password and other services.
That second phase will also include the launch of a mobile app for iOS and Android users, who eventually will also have access to all of the documents on-the-go, the ASG confirmed.