JCI opens nominations to select 10 people for the TOYP awards

The Puerto Rico Junior Chamber, which is a member of world youth organization the Junior Chamber International announced the opening for nominations for “The Outstanding Young Persons” awards, to select 10 exceptioinal young people for 2021 in Puerto Rico.
The deadline to submit nominations is Oct. 25, 2021, through the organization’s online form. Entries are accepted in one category per person and if the judges deem it appropriate, they could opt for a recategorization of the nominee.
“We invite people to nominate young people who have excelled in any of the following categories: commercial; economic or business achievements; political, legal or governmental affairs; academic achievements or leadership; cultural achievements; moral or environmental leadership; contribution to children to world peace or human rights; humanitarian or voluntary service; scientific or technological development; personal improvement or achievements; and medical innovation,” said Joseph Figueroa-López, President of JCI Caguas and director of the event.
Nominees must be between 18 to 40 years of age, legal residents of Puerto Rico, and each must confirm the veracity of the data presented about them.
The winner must be available to participate in the “JCI TOYP Puerto Rico” awards ceremony, which may be held in-person or virtually, organizers said.