Liberty marks Safer Internet Day ’14 in Puerto Rico

As part of its commitment to the community it serves, Liberty Puerto Rico is joining the global celebration of Safer Internet Day for the 7th year in a row today, taking part in an international activity that raises awareness on the importance of navigating the Internet safely. This celebration is observed annually on Tuesday on the second week of February.
Today’s Safer Internet Day 2014 celebration is part of Liberty’s corporate social responsibility campaign “Navega con seguridad,” (“Surf safely”), which promotes Internet safety. This campaign will debut in print media, television, social media, radio, Internet and billboards Feb. 12.
Using the slogan “let’s create a better Internet together” this year, Safer Internet Day is an event that gives children, parents, teachers and the general public the opportunity to discuss and reflect on the rights and responsibilities of all Internet users.
It also invites all these sectors to contribute solutions to make the Internet a safer place for children and young people. Today, more than 90 countries around the globe celebrate Safer Internet Day, including Puerto Rico which, thanks to Liberty, which has been participating in this event since 2008.
“As a leading Internet services provider in Puerto Rico, it’s our responsibility to ensure that our customers feel safe using our products and services. Even with all the information available today, Internet safety is still a subject that concerns a lot of people. We want our customers and Puerto Rico in general to regard us as a valuable information resource that they can rely on to answer their questions and use the Internet with more ease,” said Naji Khoury, president and CEO of Liberty Puerto Rico.
Liberty created its “Navega con Seguridad” campaign to raise awareness among its customers, parents, teachers and Internet users in general on the dangers they can encounter while using the Internet. The “Navega con Seguridad” webpage offers information on the campaign, plus useful downloadable resources, tip sheets and educational materials for the general public.
Throughout the year, Liberty Puerto Rico will also coordinate meetings with teachers, educators, librarians, community organizations and government agencies that can serve as resources to create awareness on the correct use of the Internet. The company will also organize workshops for children, teens, parents, teachers and the general public and create educational materials for all these groups.