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Health Connection platform to assist Puerto Rico’s medical community

The platform offers multimedia tools and expert content on clinical advancements and business strategies.

Health Connection, a multimedia platform designed to meet the informational needs of health care professionals in Puerto Rico, was officially launched during the Bionuclear of Puerto Rico event, which gathered leaders and representatives from the island’s medical community.

Health Connection aims to become the primary resource for doctors, nurses, hospitals, technology companies, associations and other entities in the health care sector.

“Our mission is clear: to provide relevant content that enables industry leaders to stay informed and make strategic decisions in a dynamic and challenging environment,” said Janet Villanueva-Torres, president of Health Connection and a recognized health care business strategist, who also serves as president of Marketing InHealth.

The platform integrates various communication tools, including a quarterly print magazine, digital content, events, broadcasts and a comprehensive website, to maximize its reach.

“The magazine will be more than an informational resource; it will be a luxury graphic experience designed to attract the most discerning professionals,” said Orlando Campero, the project’s graphic director.

Health Connection’s editorial team, led by seasoned journalists Marga Parés-Arroyo, Antonio Gómez and Ivelisse Rivera-Quiñones, will focus on key topics such as technological innovation, clinical advancements and business strategies.

“We want to highlight the leaders and companies transforming Puerto Rico’s health care sector. This focus ensures content tailored to the [business-to-business] market and the needs of the business ecosystem,” said José Maldonado-Marrero, vice president of Health Connection.

“We don’t just want to inform; we want to transform. Health Connection is designed to empower all players in the health care ecosystem,” Villanueva-Torres added.

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