Puerto Rico CPA Society swears in new president

The Puerto Rico CPA Society recently swore in its new president, Aníbal Jover-Pagés, as well as its new board, which will oversee and implement the professional trade group’s agenda during 2013-14.
“It is with great honor and pride that I assume the challenge of leading this institution that for so many years has been known for serving Puerto Rico,” Jover-Pagés said. “We’re a symbol of honesty and uprightness. For years we have made countless contributions to the economic well being of Puerto Rico through our profession.”
“Today, it’s my turn to continue my predecessors’ legacy. Together with my excellent work group, we will offer innovative ideas to help improve our work as a body and as a profession, also contributing to our island’s economic development,” he said.
Jover-Pagés has been an accountant for 25 years during which he worked for private firms — Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co., today known as KPMG — and independently, specializing in taxes, federal funds and project management.
Meanwhile, the CPA Society also announced the appointment of committee chairs, about 50 in total, who will be responsible for a variety of tasks throughout the year.
“There are many challenges ahead for Puerto Rico, but they are certainly more opportunities to achieve a better island. Through our ideas, our effort and our experience, I’m sure that we will not only have a successful year, but as a group will participate in the public discussion to put the economy on the right track”, Jover-Pagés said.