Universia study: Internet use influences day-to-day life

The Internet plays an important role and affects the daily lives of individuals, according to a study by nonprofits Universia and trabajando.com that polled more than 6,000 people across 10 Ibero-American countries.
The study showed that that 82 percent of those surveyed said the Internet affects more than 50 percent on their in their day to day lives, while 81 percent confirmed they began surfing the web at age 14.
The data obtained from participants in Puerto Rico revealed that 45 percent said the Internet influenced 50 percent in their daily life. Another 41 percent said the influence was more than 80 percent and only 14 percent said it was less than 30 percent. So, Puerto Rico sits, like Uruguay, as one of the countries with the highest percentages in the segment of more than 80 percent of Internet usage.
Overall results confirmed that 60 percent of participants believe Internet use is “important,” 34 percent “think it is, occasionally,” and 6 percent said it is “not important.” These data are similar to the Puerto Rican respondents, where 59 percent considered it “important” in their life, while 34 percent said “sometimes” and 7 percent said it is “not important.”
On the other hand, the majority of respondents (81 percent) said they started using the Internet at 14 years of age. In Puerto Rico, that number increased to 84 percent.
Seeking information on a specific topic was the event done the most (23 percent) in participating countries — Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Spain and Portugal.
However, interacting in social networks (22 percent) was the most popular activityfor Puerto Ricans on the Internet, followed by searching for information on a specific topic (21 percent), checking email (19 percent), reading the news (18 percent), paying bills (11 percent) and shopping (10 percent).
“The survey confirms the importance of the Internet in everyday life, whether for purposes of interaction, education or entertainment. Its responsible use can be very beneficial as long as it’s used with prudence and good judgment,” Universia Puerto Rico Director, José Miguel Justel.
The survey polled more than 6,000 participants, broken down into 53 percent female and 47 percent male.